Monday 5 March 2012

Makeup and Skin Care Product Buying Tips That You Need to Follow

The market is full of makeup and skin care products. Because of this, these days, even picking just one out of them can seem like a mammoth task. So much thinking needs to be done after all. Yet taking the decision is not that hard especially if you follow the tips given here. But before this, you need to remember the points given below:

  • Don’t fall for the attractiveness of the product’s container
Just engrave this point in your head. Don’t buy a product just because its bottle looks attractive to you. The marketers know all the tactics to lure consumers into buying what their companies make. Attractive container or bottle is one of them.

  • Don’t fall for makeup and skin care product commercials shown on television
Take commercials of makeup and skin care products with a grain of salt. No matter how attractive they look at the end of the day, they are just entertaining advertisements. Also to save reputation of the company, they will never tell the real truth about the product’s ingredients.  Now even if you like what they show you need to use your head before buying it from the store.

  • There is no guarantee that an expensive brand will really be caring to your skin
It is a big misconception that the price of a product determines its working ability. Perhaps, that is why, many  believe that whatever is found in Macy’s has the power to improve just about any skin texture while those sold at pharmacy stores are poor and ineffective. Unfortunately, this is not true.  Price really has nothing to do with the power of the product. Yes, a tag of big dollar amount might give you the impression that the product is made from rare ingredients, but this does not mean that they are programmed to be suitable for your skin.

Buying Tips:
*Before you buy a makeup or skin care product, research on its ingredients to know if they are suitable for your skin. Always avoid buying anything that has mineral oil or petroleum. They do not only clog pores, but also destroy the skin DNA under the hot sun.
*Read reviews online on the product you are planning on buying.  Two sites you can choose for this task are Amazon and Makeupalley. 

*Instead of using shopping sites, try to find the item in your local stores. These days, there are just too many counterfeit items (facial creams and perfumes) sold online. Moreover, many customers actually complain that the online vendors are more prone to shipping used or opened products. So although Internet makes shopping convenient it always does not offer real satisfaction.

*Take your trusted friend or sibling along with you while shopping for makeup. It is not always good to ask a salesperson to describe a product’s ability, for their job is to convince you to buy the thing that you have your eyes on, for their goal is to boost store's sales. Your friend or sibling, on the other hand,  does not have such mission and thus will help learn which color or brand is more suitable for your skin type.
*The foundation you are buying must be compatible with your skin shade. Yes, this is a very basic tip. Yes, have heard this thousand times.  But this is not the main thing here! What you must do is try the foundation on your neck or facial skin area to see if its color is the one you want. Many do the mistake of running this test in the hand or palm area whose color does not match the one that makes up the facial skin. 

*Avoid buying makeup and skin care products that are on clearance sales. You know very well that things we use on our face and body do expire. It happens in stores also. That is why, there is a hurry in getting rid of them through price deduction. However, it is okay to go buy the makeup brushes. Just make sure that they are not in unpacked condition. 

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for explaining different beauty care products. This post is really helpful in choosing the best beauty care products. I will recommend this beauty care products to my wife.
